Frequently Asked Questions
OJOTC stands for Orthodox Jewish Occupational Therapy Chavrusah.
"Chavrusah" means "partnership" - OJOTC serves to facilitate a partnership between Jewish OT practitioners on its many platforms.
Absolutely not! All Jewish - and non-Jewish - OT practitioners are welcome to join our ranks. OJOTC was founded by Orthodox Jews and caters to this subset in order to meet the most inclusive definition of Jewish need, but we welcome all members to join in our Shabbat programs and take an active role in our caucus.
You can join us for free by clicking on "Become a Free Member" on our home page. We welcome all new members and are excited to partner with you to help serve the needs of OJOTC!
At this time, OJOTC is delighted to offer you membership free of charge! We are a nonprofit, however, so any donations would be appreciated. Visit the "Donate Now" tab to contribute.